Bikes & Wine in Colchagua

For those who feel attracted to vineyards and also love being active, exploring the area on a bike might be a very nice thing to do.
Our tours are rides along the Santa Cruz area, the plantations, secondary roads, through small communities and to some of the local vineyards. We don’t necessarily ride hard. We ride and stop to rest, to hydrate, to take a photo and of course, we stop at vineyards to ejoy a tour and wine tasting.
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A. Touring around Santa Cruz Valley:
This ride starts at a very iconic site, the Huique Museum. It once was a hacienda house, center of economic activities and house of former president Federico Errazuriz Echaurrren. From here we ride along beautiful country side around Santa Cruz, ride through small villages and plantations and allows us to appreciate all the work done around agriculture in the valley.
This tour in particularly ends at Laura Hartwig Vineyard, a very beautiful and simple vineyard. Here, we learn about the vineyard, its winemaking, and of course, we taste some of the wines.
Tour lasts about 3 – 4 hours
It includes: local transfer if needed – Bikes and helmet – Wine Tour
Cost per person USD $50,oo minimum 2 pax

B. Touring Lolol Valley – A beautiful rural world:
This ride starts in the beautiful town of Lolol – declared National Monument of Chile. For this reason a short 20 minutes shuttle is needed. From Lolol we ride through the rural areas, especially around Ubilla community and La Vega.
This ride is a bit more demanding and longer, but the roads friendly and gently rolling. Definitely, it is a fun and interesting trip.
The ride ends at Santa Cruz Vineyard. We ride inside the vineyard, but soon we will find ourselves in the main building enjoying some of the vineyard’s excellent wines.
All transport needed
Tour lasts about 3 – 4 hours
It includes: local Transfer – Bikes and helmet – Wine Tour
Cost per person USD $75.000 minimun 2 pax