Datos Personales


Menores de Edad

Contacto emergencia (Contact emergency)

Actividad a contratar (Activity)

Antecedentes medicos (Medical history)

¿Tiene alguna enfermedad que considerar al momento de la actividad? ¿Do you have any illness to consider at the time of the activity?

Alimentación (Food)

Sigue alguna alimentación especial o es alérgico - Follow a special diet or you are allergic.

De conocimiento y de la aceptación del riesgo que involucra la actividad o programa - Knowledge and acceptance of the risk involved in the activity or program

  • I hereby declare that I know and fully understand that I am joining an activity that involves risks that cannot be completely controlled by the company, and risks that I do not experience in my daily life. Even though the company (Grado Sur Expediciones –GSE) keeps very good safety standards, some of these risks are connected with the activity itself and my abilities and skills with a bike a kayak or other sports of the activity I have specified above. I fully understand that I will be joining an activity that I am not necessarily familiar with. It is the company who will explain all details about the activity, hand out gear and explain how it works, but it will be my responsibility to handle it the proper way and follow instructions and prevent actions that could put myself in danger. I also declare that I posses the minimum requirements and skills and that I do have the level of experience required by the company to do the activity, and most important the mental attitude to be a member of this activity. I also understand that I have to follow procedures and instructions indicated by company people and that I have to be always following the guide’s instructions during the entire activity. I also declare That I am VOLUNTARILY taking part in this activity and I understand all the risks involved.